Top 15 Tips from Experts for Creating an Amazing Power BI Dashboard

Discover 15 expert tips for creating an amazing Power BI dashboard. Unleash the full potential of your data analysis and visualization today!
Business Analytics vs. Business Intelligence (Infographic)

What is the difference between Business Analytics and Business Intelligence? These two terms are often interchanged depending on context, the point of view, business focus, or the industry of the person using it. Some experts even go so far as saying it is all a matter of semantics, and that it’s all relative. For example, […]
Five Trends Shaping Business Intelligence and Analytics

“Transformational” was what Cindy Bates, Vice President of Microsoft, had to say about the impact of Business Intelligence to the economy especially small-to-medium businesses. In 2015, more businesses turned to the prospect of cloud computing when Microsoft Azure and Amazon WebService went toe-to-toe to launch products that further innovated Business Intelligence. This 2016, we’re about […]
The DIKW Model: Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom Continuum (Business Intelligence & Analytics Part 2)

“Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.” -George E.P. Box Whether applying G.E.P. Box’s aphorism to scientific theories, your spreadsheet sensitivity analysis, the statistician G.E.P. Box was referring to the limitations of models but can only approximate reality and may not work at boundary or extreme conditions (ie. black swan events). But the […]
Top Business Analytics Trends and Lessons You Need to Know

Knowledge is power. And in business, data is power. Across all industries, data enables businesses to make important decisions that push them forward. The whole process of tracking and interpreting data is called business analytics. It fuses technology, business experience, skills, applications and general business practices to analyze past performances across all levels. However, it […]